Upcoming Performances
3 to 5 Apr SLD Spring Convention
Apr 21 (Tue) 7 to 8:30 PM Southerntier Music Teachers Fundraiser
May 16 (Sat) Waterman Distillery 5 K run benefit 2:20 PM (1.5 hour)
July 16 (Thu) 7 to 8 PM Town of Chenango
Jul 24 (Fri) Naturalization Ceremony 11AM
Aug 18 (Tue) Highland Park, Endwell 7 PM
The Southern Tier Barbershop Chorus
Our Platinum Sponsor
Vocal Impact is a quartet that sings in the barbershop style from Binghamton, New York and is a proud member of the Seneca Land District of the Barbershop Harmony Society. Together since 2015, the quartet is very active in the Binghamton area singing on chapter shows, local plays (2017 Music Man), Singing Valentines, and a number of senior facilities.
Members include Tenor Tom Depue, Lead Gil Durham Baritone Tom Jones, and Bass Dale Ball. Tenor Tom DePue is a second generation Barbershopper with a father who has been singing for 56 years, and whose son Tommy is also a member. Tom is a VP for Fahs Construction and lives at home with his wife and #1 quartet fan Diane.
Lead Gil Durham has been singing Barbershop since the early 90’s, and sang with several chapter quartets . Gil retired from teaching chemistry after 35 years.
Baritone Tom Jones is a 37 year Barbershopper and has sung in quartets in 3 chapters. Tom is retired from Agway, and lives at home with his wife Patsy.
Dale Ball is the new guy, and has been singing with our chorus for 9 years, but he has immersed himself in Barbershop and is having the time of his life! Dale works as a purchasing agent for the Binghamton, Harpursville and Windsor school districts through BOCES and lives in Chenango Bridge with his wife Janice. They have three grandchildren with another expected in April 2022.
We are available to sing for your event. Complete this form: