Upcoming Performances
3 to 5 Apr SLD Spring Convention
Apr 21 (Tue) 7 to 8:30 PM Southerntier Music Teachers Fundraiser
May 16 (Sat) Waterman Distillery 5 K run benefit 2:20 PM (1.5 hour)
July 16 (Thu) 7 to 8 PM Town of Chenango
Jul 24 (Fri) Naturalization Ceremony 11AM
Aug 18 (Tue) Highland Park, Endwell 7 PM
The Southern Tier Barbershop Chorus
Our Platinum Sponsor
About Us
Since 1943, our success in helping the community has been made possible thanks to people just like you. With your generous contribution, no matter how great or small, we are able to truly make a difference. We are grateful for any help you can provide, and guarantee it will change lives for the better.
Our Story
The Binghamton chapter was chartered in April 1943 - the society’s 29th chapter and the third in New York State. Over the years, the Southerntiersmen have earned the right to represent Seneca Land District (upstate New York and Northwestern PA) in International competition 6 times. We have placed as high as 8th and 9th in these competitions which is a remarkable accomplishment when you consider that these are the best choruses in the world! We continue to compete to meet the challenge of improving the quality of our performances each year.
We currently have 28 active members from all walks of life. Teachers, doctors, authors, ministers, engineers, farmers, factory workers, postal employees, attorneys, salesmen, construction workers, policemen, chemists, dentists… you name it…we’ve probably got one. The common thread isn’t what we do - it’s what we love - four-part a cappella singing in the barbershop style.
In 2022, the chapter agreed to begin accepting women as members essentially designating us as a mixed chorus. This was the logical extension of the Society's slogan of Everyone in Harmony. In 2023, we legally changed our chorus name to Southern Tier Barbershop Chorus.