Upcoming Performances
3 to 5 Apr SLD Spring Convention
Apr 21 (Tue) 7 to 8:30 PM Southerntier Music Teachers Fundraiser
May 16 (Sat) Waterman Distillery 5 K run benefit 2:20 PM (1.5 hour)
July 16 (Thu) 7 to 8 PM Town of Chenango
Jul 24 (Fri) Naturalization Ceremony 11AM
Aug 18 (Tue) Highland Park, Endwell 7 PM
The Southern Tier Barbershop Chorus
Our Platinum Sponsor
Seneca Land District and the entire
barbershop community suffered a significant
loss in May 2021 with the passing of our dear
friend and brother, Mac Sabol. Mac played
an integral part in the lives of so many of us
in the Seneca Land District and beyond for
35 wonderful years. Mac was a kind and
gentle soul whose friendship and mentoring
was a gift to those who sang with him and
indeed, anyone who had the good fortune to work and play with him. We smile as we recall his beautiful voice, quick wit, and relentless quest for singing excellence. Mac now directs the heavenly choir in Chapter Eternal with joy and infectious enthusiasm.
In recognition of his constant efforts toward improving all our individual and groups' musical capabilities, the Binghamton Chapter has established the Mac Sabol Memorial Scholarship for deserving students in our chapter’s service area who will be pursuing some form of music in their college careers. The Binghamton Chapter has allocated $10,000 from our chapter funds to fund this project into the future. There will be two $1,000 scholarships awarded each year, the first of them awarded in June 2022 to Seton Catholic Central and Maine-Endwell High School. In our second year, the scholarships were awarded to Vestal High School and Owego Free Academy. The availability of these scholarships will be announced to the Broome County Music Educators association each fall with the objective of soliciting prospective recipients for the awards in the coming year. It is anticipated that the scholarships will be awarded on a rotating basis, if appropriate, in the future.
Mac touched a great number of people, both within and outside of the barbershop world. His wife, Julianna, is pleased that he will be honored and remembered in a way that makes such a difference to the lives of music students. We ask that any individual and/or chapter who would like to contribute to this cause do so by donating to the Mac Sabol Memorial Scholarship. The Chapter has set up an online donation page on its website, southerntiersmen.org/mac-sabol-scholarship, or checks can be made to the Southern Tier Barbershop Chorus with a notation of Mac Sabol Memorial Scholarship and mailed to the Binghamton Chapter treasurer at the address below. The Binghamton Chapter sincerely thanks you for your support of this worthwhile scholarship!
Mail to: Tom Landon, 124 County Hwy 58, Oneonta, NY 13820